Friday, 6 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Evaluation 5
"How did you attract/address your audience?"
Front Cover
For my front cover it has to be big, bold and attractive as its the first thing that the readers will see, and it is also the page that will attract new readers when they see it on the shelf. I kept the colours gender neutral to attract both genders and used a consistent colour scheme to make it look professional and not like a younger audience's magazine. The colours are also toned down to a more mature colour and not bright colours. I also used artists names that are targeted at my audience such as Drake and Zara Larsson. I also attracted my readers by advertising events that, for example on the footer "Top Ten Summer Festivals". Most of my audience will also be on social media which is a growing trend at the moment, so on the top banner I included social media links to show that the magazine is upto date. The price stated on the barcode is also used to attract my audience at £3.99 which is within my target audience's budget.
Contents Page

Double Page Spread
With the double page spread it has to look attractive for readers to make sure they read it and don't leave the page. To show them clearly who the article is about I used 1 A4 page to put 1 full picture of her with a pull quote of "I'm finally where I want to be" to attract the audience to read more into the article. The title is a bold Erin Evans in a toned down red colour so its attractive, bold and enticing to the audience but not bright and playful. The questions are in clear columns so the audience can clearly read the article without being confused. There is also another picture of the main artist to draw in the audience more and it's been placed in an artist way leaning against her other picture to make it look more interesting for the audience. In the footer on the left hand side it includes the website link and on the right hand side it has social media links to keep the magazine updated to the target audience.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Evaluation 4
"Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?"
For my target audience I'd be looking at males and females as the whole magazine is gender neutral and keeps the colours balanced between stereotypical gender colours. The ages I will be targeting are going to be 16-22, the price will be £3.99 which should be affordable for most people within this age range, the content used will be based off music targeting the majority of that age range and not the few which is why I'm using popular culture genre as the content of my magazine. The musical content featured on my magazine is likely to be played at popular venues and clubs which is where people age 16-22 start going to and start exploring into which is why the magazine targets them. The type of people I'll be targeting are gonna be outgoing and keep up to date with the latest music and up and coming artists.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Evaluation 3
"What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?"
If Culture was owned by a media institution it would likely be owned by a multi-national company who already owns a range of worldwide magazines that are slightly similar in style.
TimeInc media could possibly distribute Culture as it already owns very popular magazines such as NME and Guitar and Bass, they own a range of magazines which also feature under different divisions such as lifestyle and home magazines, which makes them well educated on how to publish and distribute magazines world wide. They have offices worldwide making it easy to distribute worldwide and grow the magazine.
Another potential media institution that could distribute Culture is Bauer Media Group, they own hundreds of media brands such as Q and MOJO and have a wide variety of different brands from TV to Magazine making it good for advertising and promotion. They're a worldwide company giving the option to distribute in 15 countries with the potential of more over the years.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Evaluation 2
"How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups? "
My magazine 'Culture' is similar to Q in the way the magazines target their audiences and with what their audiences have in common. Culture is aimed at young adults roughly 16-22 who have grown out of the phase of younger pop bands such as Little Mix and One Direction, it's for young people who enjoy listening to music thats in the charts and is made for people to enjoy the music for the music itself and not the artists. The genre is Popular Culture which is where the name Culture came from, as my magazine keeps up with the Music Culture that is aimed at young adults.
The style of the magazine is big and bold but quite toned down compared to other magazines that are aimed at a younger audience which are big and bright. The price is £3.99 for 1 issue which is a reasonable price for young adults earning money, the magazine is monthly which is why its priced at a high amount. Cultures rival Q is £4.50 per magazine which makes the magazines roughly within the same price range.
My target audience doesn't have a specific gender as the colours are gender neutral, and the content isn't aimed at any gender as it offers straight up information on the artists. The content is quite mature which is why it is aimed at 16-22 year olds, a younger audience may find the content inappropriate as some of the content will be explicit as artists are more open than a younger persons magazine, or a younger audience may find it boring or unreadable, and the magazine may be out of a price range for a younger audience.
My Magazine would likely represent someone who likes to follow the big trend is artists but also is open to finding new artists to listen to. The social group my magazine would be looking at would be someone who is middle class who can afford the price of £3.99 and who goes to lots of concerts and festivals that are big names within the music industry.
Friday, 29 April 2016
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Music Magazine Title - Conventions
For the title I wanted to pick a title that was catchy and could link into the music world, specifically the genre of music, I also wanted to keep the title to one word to keep it short and make it memeroable to the reader. I played around with a few words but settled on 'Culture', the word is catchy and links into the 'popular culture' genre of music which my magazine is all about, it also isn't too short or too long. The title will run along the top of the magazine in a bold font inspired by my style models.
My first draft of my logo started off with a plain black and white logo:
After looking at my style models again and other music magazines I noticed that most of them have flat logos and it was rare to find one with an embossed/3D logo. Because of this I have chosen the top logo which is red and grey with a black outline because the simplicity draws in readers and a lot of music magazines just consists of a simple logo. I may make a few changes to my logo in the future so it fits in with the front cover.
My first draft of my logo started off with a plain black and white logo:
After looking at my style models and other music magazine examples logos, I noticed that most magazines including my style models had various colours going on so I played around with the colours red, grey, white and black to come up with a logo that fits in with the other music magazines and also looked at embossing my logos and the stroke and outer glow on them:
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Camera Angles
My camera angle used for my front cover will be inspired from my 3 style models and I'll be using a medium close up of my models face, I feel a medium close up works well on a front cover as a main image and draws readers to the magazine, it also keeps the magazine simple but its effective. For the double page spread ill be using a wide shot to fit in the whole of my model, which will also allow her to bleed from one page to the other. For my contents page I'll be using a medium close up but have my model use different poses to the front page to add a variety of shots to my magazine.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
For this photoshoot I will be using no props. On my front cover the simplicity of just my models face doesn't require a prop as it could potentially make the photo too busy ruining the front cover, for the contents page the image will be similar to the front cover but in a different pose and possibly a different angle and for my double page spread it will just be my models on one page bleeding into the other which won't require a prop.
I will be using a very plain costume which will just be a black top for my front cover and a leather jacket for my double page spread and contents page. The front cover image will be a medium close up so most of the costume won't be seen, the inspiration from this is from my style models, comparing the Q style models against the billboard style model has shown me the different between a dark top and a light top; the light top takes a lot of focus off the face and makes the focus point bigger whereas the artists in Q have used darker tops which keeps the focus on the face and makes the photo seem less busy. I'll also be using make up within my shoot, I'll be using powder on Erin's face to stop her face shining from the light boxes which will allow the camera to have a better focus, I'll also be using subtle pink lipstick to add colour to the lips, and a thin layer of eyeliner along the top of the eye to keep unto date with current make up styles. I will also be using mascara on Erin to make her eyelashes stand out and look big and feminine.
Lipstick Example
Eyeliner and Mascara Example
For my photoshoot I'll be using a very plain location with low lighting which will allow me to use light boxes to direct the light on the face onto the face which will allow me to give the face even lighting. The reason I have chosen this is so I can easily remove the background as the picture will be on a plain wall and will allow me to put in a grey gradient background.
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Style Models
I have chosen 3 style models for inspiration for my magazines, I will be using these to refer back to for the layout and design of my own music magazine. What drawn me to these magazines was the darkness of the background on all of them, and the brightness of the face. For the Q magazine featuring Amy Winehouse the way the picture of her overlaps the logo of Q but still allowing the readers to see most of the logo. For the magazine featuring Lily Allen the brightness of her picture draws me in and inspires me to do something similar for my magazine. The Q magazine starring Cheryl Cole inspired me as the background is very dark and has a slight grey gradient to it and it makes the viewer fully focus on Cheryl's face. I will be using small elements from all of these magazines to inspire me to create mine in a professional manner but also with my own touch.
Monday, 11 January 2016
For my magazine photo shoot I'll be using Erin Evans as my model. On all 3 of my style models the artists featured all have dark hair which helps to bring out the brightness of their face and helps to define their face from their hair which gives the reader one thing to focus on. Her hair will likely blend into the background which just leaves her face making it a focus point for the audience. Erin gives off a gothic but popular look and fits in to the current chart image. She will be wearing a black top which will draw more attention to her face as it will also blend into the background.
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